9 oct 2013

Why being vegan?

Along life, the food chosen by a person affects thousands of animals. Did you know that avoid the pain and the misery of animals is really easy? All you have to do is eating healthy. You should be more conscious when you buy or eat something, namely, be more conscious when you are going to buy products or articles because some of those elements affects animals and maybe you don't know. For example when you are going to buy a coat and you feel that it is really soft and warm, maybe that is really cozy, you should think about the material of this coat because maybe the person who is selling it to you made it with a lot of little and helpless animals. 

To prevent all the possible suffering is important to take some steps for now and for the future. You should remove the speciesist and selfish thoughts and the indifference because eating meat affects human beings and animals! Is important to stand out that exists some myths about the vegetarian diet and that about vegan diet exists a deep ignorance. In Colombia are not really common those terms. Some people thinks that the veganism and the vegetarianism are really unhealthy diets but the true is that are the healthiest diets. The reasons for being a vegan person are inculcated by the ethics and morality and it is not linked to the religious beliefs. The veganism is a responsibility that concerns to all the people ignoring the beliefs, the customs and political positions.

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