11 oct 2013

Its easy!

Earth has been polluted since long time ago by the human race which overuses natural resources such as water, the trees are cut every day more and human continues overproducing pollutant and unnecessary things.

You probably are part of the people who want to make a change and join to all those people that help the planet, but you don’t know how.

The first thing that you have to do is convince yourself that everything is possible and that the “grains of sand” will change the world and everyone around you. You can’t be pessimistic; you must convert the bad thoughts into good thoughts.

The second thing that you have to do is think that the Earth is the only place where human beings had the privilege of being born and for that reason human should love and respect the mother Earth.

The third thing that you have to do is change all the sediments of indifference that you would have in your mind because maybe it won’t help you to make the difference, namely, you have to get information about all the damage caused by human and then you should to love all the beings that we share the earth with, because everything what we do affects them too.

Once you’ve changed your mind, you can visit blogs or websites where tutorials, videos or guides are waiting for you to see them and make a change recycling, helping animals and Earth too.  Tell a friend to tell a friend. Little changes make a big one.

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