8 oct 2013


Especism is a kind of selfish and unfair discrimination. The speciecism is related to belief in the superiority of an specia (the human specie) over the rest of the species. Humans, for cultural reasons, consider our specie superior to others and we feel entitled to use, discriminate and kill animals because they are less than us. Speciesism is the deepest-rooted prejudice that exist in our society nowadays. 

Since long time ago, the human race has looked for ways to get ahead in climatic, business and evolutive situations to which has been confronted over the years.  The human race has also shown courage and strenght, overcoming adversity. However, material assets, new inventions, debauchery and technological advances became a priority for the human race. The dynamics of three thousand years of history of humanity has been conditioned by inequalities between human animals and nonhuman animals, for example, more than three thousand years ago, the first civilizations hunted animals, regardless of habitat or its role in the nature. These unfair things have been the cause of many wars, a constant in human relationships.

The reasons why there are  inequalities between people are the skills, cultural, thinking  and intellectual abilities the people have, but often, we have tried to find a natural explanation to justify the injustices committed by humans such as racism, gender  and even to justify the mistreatment and discrimination to animals. Humans in general are speciesist, our behaviour is with less respect for other animals do not belong to the human specie. 
Nowadays, the mass media around us and around our homes and works project the idea that the interests, the existence and life of animals are not relevant and, therefore, the human being feels that he has a natural right to use animals as their own resources and for their benefit in the field of medicine, cosmetics, clothing and even fun and distraction (as in circuses, for example.)
On the other hand, the culture in which we are immersed, the education we received and we give to otherciety we live in is, without realizing it, fundamentally speciesist. Humans normally assume that only members of our specie have to be taken fully into account, I mean, that in order to defend the human "superiority"  remains belong to this species and is itself sufficient grounds for someone, even a non-human animal, whether or not respected. Animals are not treated as beings with ability to feel frustration and pain. Their rights  are trampled with the consent and support of the Law, as happened long ago with victims of racism and sexism. The speciesism's biggest mistake is canceling our thinking to the individual mind. Keep in mind that only we can be speciesist. No sense of the human race, but in the sense of who we are moral agents, responsible for our actions, as there are humans who are not moral agents, since they lack the ability to have moral conscience (infants, mentally handicapped, elderly senile, ...)

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